vim plugin python

Python-mode is a vim plugin that helps you to create python code very quickly by utilizing libraries including pylint, rope, pydoc, pyflakes, pep8, autopep8, pep257 and mccabe for features like static analysis, refactoring, folding, completion, documentat

相關軟體 Vim 下載

Vim是一個功能強大的文書編輯器,它應用範圍非常廣泛,可由使用者設計成屬於自已獨特風格的編輯利器。它提供了 Unix, Windows, Mac, OS/2等多種作業系統的版本,讓您在不同的作業系統上保有您習慣的文字編輯工具。 multi level undo 復原且不限於前一個動作。 ...

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  • You can also use Pathogen or Vundle plugin managers in which case you can install the whol...
    GitHub - hdimapython-syntax: Python syntax highlighting script for Vim
  • Python-mode is a vim plugin that helps you to create python code very quickly by utilizing...
    GitHub - python-mode/python-mode: Vim python-mode. PyLint, ...
  • Python-mode is a vim plugin that helps you to create python code very quickly by utilizing...
    GitHub - python-modepython-mode: Vim python-mode. PyLint, Rope ...
  • A Vim plugin is a .vim script that defines functions, mappings, syntax rules, commands tha...
    How to Write Vim Plugins with Python - DZone Web Dev ...
  • Python-mode is a vim plugin that enables you to write Python code in Vim editor in a fast ...
    Python-mode - A Vim Plugin to Develop Python Applications in ...
  • The plugin contains all you need to develop python applications in Vim. There is no need t...
    python-mode - Vim Awesome
  • Merge Python 2 and Python 3 script versions into the single python.vim script. See the com...
    python.vim - Enhanced version of the python syntax highlight ...
  • I really like the Emacs editor for Python because of it's smart tabbing for instance i...
    Setting up Vim for Python - Stack Overflow
  • Powerline is a popular statusline plugin for Vim that works with both Python 2 and 3. Now ...
    Vim - Full Stack Python
  • syntax on filetype indent plugin on The following sections correspond to the guidelines fr...
    Vim - Python Wiki
  • 2015年10月27日 - This command downloads the Vundle plugin manager and chucks it in your VIM ...
    VIM and Python - a match made in heaven - Real Python
  • It has come to my attention that somebody ‘round these parts has been preaching the gospel...
    VIM and Python - a match made in heaven - Real Python ...
  • The error message has something to do with virtual environments and I am not sure what is ...
    vim plugins that embed python - Google Groups ...
  • 本文介绍了如何快速设置Vim编辑器,使之成为开发Python的利器。 ... manage Vundle, required Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.v...
    Vim与Python真乃天作之合| 编程派| Coding Python
  • 接着安装Tasklist插件:下载TaskList.vim,然后把它放入plugin 目录下 最后使用命令:TlistToggle打开taglist窗口,下图展示了该窗口。 4.M...
    Vim初探(五)——打造Python IDE - SamWei - 博客园
  • 2014年4月21日 - Vundle 是一個可以自動下載、安裝與管理Vim plugins 的工具,讓Vim 的使用 ... 如果你有使用Vim 來開發Python 程式,建議...
    Vundle:Vim Plugin 自動下載、安裝、更新與管理工具(Vim Bundle ...
  • 2016年4月24日 - Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe&#39...
    把vim配置成顺手的python轻量级IDE(一) - 简书
  • 上面用vim 写python 的答案似乎有些久远了,新年新气象,来补充点似乎尚未提及的一些 ..... Python-mode is a vim plugin that helps...
    用Vim 写Python 的最佳实践是什么? - 知乎
  • 2013年9月22日 - 之前有提過如何安裝vundle來管理vim的plugin,這邊來推薦我主要使用 ... 改安裝Tagbar,因為我發現taglist對直譯式的語言(如p...
    阿翔的秘密: vim plugin 推薦(For python and java )